Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Feminist Journal Contest

For those of you who enter contests, the feminist literary journal at my program, So to Speak, is having a contest.

Here is the info:

So to Speak, a feminist literary journal, announces its Fall 2010 Short Fiction Contest, judged by Maud Casey. The winner is awarded $500, 2 copies of the magazine, and publication
in the journal. Stories should not exceed 5,000 words. Deadline is March 15, 2009.

Mail entries to:
So to Speak (Fiction Contest),
George Mason University, MSN 2C5
4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030.
Please include $15 reading fee and SASE.
Full submission guidelines at
Please email with any questions.

Best of luck to anyone who decides to enter!


  1. Jennifer -

    This looks like a great opportunity. I just found out about So to Speak recently when I got an acceptance to GMU. As a feminist, it made me really excited to know they have such a focused publication. I posted this elsewhere, so forgive me, but would you be willing to talk over e-mail about how you like it at George Mason? I have so many questions and I would love to get an inside perspective.

  2. Hi Yellow Lux! Definitely email me! My email is jenniferbrown100 AT hotmail.

  3. Hey Jennifer -- Thanks for letting us know about this. I will also probably email you soon (if you don't mind.) I was accepted by GM too, but I am waiting for my snail mail stuff to arrive before I start asking folks questions.

  4. HI Kerry! You will probably get a big packet of info in the mail. I'll be ready to try and answer any questions!

  5. Thank you so much Jonterri! I know you've been rooting for me, and it's meant so much! I also was accepted at UNCW and waitlisted at Iowa and Ohio State. Four more schools to hear from...

  6. Thanks for the post, Jennifer. Can I ask you a favor? If you have a copy of the magazine, would you be willing to send me a couple of the poems via email? I realize this makes me sound pretty cheap, but I always get a little cranky when magazines don't offer any sort of preview of the work they like to accept. You can email me at whitneydgray at gmail dot com. Thanks!

    Kerry--congrats! I got into UNCW last year and I was sad to turn them down. They have great facilities on campus, including their own printer for their publications. So cool. Wilmington is a great town, too.

  7. Thank you, Whitney! I'm still waiting to hear about funding at both schools, so it's far from over for me!

  8. @ Whitney: The So to Speak website is undergoing a revamp, so it should have more material up there soon. I think they are trying to get permission for the new pieces they want to post. In the meantime, email them at and someone can probably send along some electronic copies.


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